Tiden har kommet, jeg ser utover det tomme landskapet som fyller mine øyne med storhet. Jeg er kommet for å bli, dette er hvem jeg er. Personer spør meg om hvordan jeg kan se, enkelt og greit. Jeg er våken, jeg ser utover landskapet, tomheten er overveldene, alikevell er jeg klar over farene. Jeg vil vite mer, hvem er du. Jeg beveger meg nå utover landskapet, håper på ett glimt. Hvem er det jeg prøver å tulle? Det er ingenting her, tomhet. Jeg vil gi opp søken, søken om frelsese. Jeg hvet godt hvem du er, jeg ser på deg igjennom kikkehullet i vinduet, utover landskapet. Jo mer jeg ser, jo mindre vet jeg. Hvem står bak denne skyggen? Skyggen bak meg selv lyser rød, den slikker seg bredt over det tomme landskapet, den strekker seg lengre og lengre, ingen ende. Det er meg og skyggen igjen, igjen sitter jeg her og ser utover landskapet, jeg ser tomme ansikter.
21th Dec. 2013 -fauux
* Attached to monitors all citizens (on the street, at home)
* Skrøpelighet av sinnet (technology/TV «brainwashing»/making people easily influenced by media)
* Natural human prosperity/sympathy fading
* Anti-socialization of mankind (no interaction/eye contact, everyone lives their own lives)
* Man bound to technology (Technology or wires hold you back, like chains of a prisoner)
* Kids being teached morals and viewpoint of shitty low budget feminized television shows with no context (making a false/faux altered world view. Each living in fragile self made bobbles).
* Emotionless society
* Ignorant parents leaving parenting to corrupt corporations and machines.
* Liberation of technology («self made man»(?)) «Romantikken», back to the purity of human nature (emotions)
* Visualized through breaking of chains symbolizing technology’s grip on your self being.
* Showing yourself on a monitor, faceless (emotionless) symbolizing above.
* colorless => colorful (symbolizing life and emotions)
* Interaction = minimal (Symbolizing our society)
* Only interaction is with himself; two personalities; one chained down by society, one liberating voice
* Showing destruction of technology (himself smashing his own computer, trowing away his phone(?) Smiling, liberation) Showing the failure of technology to make our lives happier and more meaningful.
* Showing breaking of systems, errors, shutdowns, chaos.
* A response to technological progress and its impact on the individual human and how it will eventually make us programmed robotic beings, with no humanity left in us.
Destruction of morals and empathy and humanity.
* Producing people with false/distorted/ identity and self awareness, making people to machines / faceless beings.
* Impurity of machines
* Pervertation of the human mind.